Tech Jun 4, 2024 IDOPRESS

AMD, Nvidia' It's competing. New artificial intelligent pairs were identified

The technology company AMD introduced new artificial intelligence engineers.

Teknoloji şirketi AMD,yeni yapay zeka işlemcilerini tanıttı.

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The technology company. AMD's data centres are expected to compete in Nvidia with new artificial intelligence-supporting chips from top to bottom to desktop computers. In the last two years, the demand for artificial intelligence applications such as ChatGPT has been exploded, trained and implemented. As one of Nvidia's most serious rivals, the employer AMD said that he had the power to compete with his rivals, CEO Lisa Su. In addition, the "industrial intelligence is a priority for us and we are at the beginning of an incredibly exciting time for the sector because the computer market is reorganized." In addition, the latest product of the AMD announced that Instinct MI325X is scheduled to drive to the market at the end of this year.

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Some of the world's largest computer companies have shared water, technology giants that want AMD to include Ryzen processors in Microsoft, HP, Lenovo and Asus. p>

Microsoft,ChatGPT producer invested billions in OpenAI and became one of the companies leading to artificial intelligence by integrating artificial intelligence with rapid integration into products. At the beginning of this month, Microsoft identified Copilot+ computers called "AI computers" to run the Windows operating system with local artificial intelligence.

Microsoft CEO'su Satya Nadella Pazartesi günü yaptığı açıklamada,bu makinelerde AMD'nin Ryzen işlemcilerinin yer alacağını söyledi.

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